Week 4

We’ve had a wonderful week enjoying the sunshine this week.

Here are just some of the things we have been learning about:

  1. In Mathematics we have been practising our directional skills including moving forwards, backwards, left and right. We have also been learning about quarter turns clockwise.
  2. In History we are continuing our learning on explorers and today have learn about Ibn Battuta who explored all around the world over 700 years ago.
  3. In Computing we have been writing algorithms for making a jam sandwich, spotting any bugs and correcting them. We then followed the algorithm to test it and make our own sandwiches to eat.
  4. We have been practising and revising our phonics sounds all week and enjoying lots of fun activities


This week’s star of the week was Lana.

Our merit certificate winners were Lillie and Hudson.

Our good friend this week was Chloe.

Our polite award went to Sanah.

Well done everyone!


*A reminder to please make sure that all children have sun hats and sun cream (labelled) in school for when the weather is hot as we want to enjoy as much time learning outside as we can.