Blasting off to a great start!


Well, what a wonderful start to the term in Moonbeam class. The last three weeks have been super exciting and we have all settled really well. We are accessing all the challenges in our new classroom and we are getting used to the new routines and structure.


In phonics we have been recapping phase 3 sounds and looking at real and nonsense words. In English we have been making predictions and writing sentences. Maths has been all about place value which we are really getting the hang of! History is a super exciting topic - all about toys! This week we asked some teachers what toys they used to play with when they were younger. We even got to see Mr. Ps favourite toy - a Tonka Truck! Science has been so much fun learning about animals and their different groups.


Mrs. Hudson is so impressed with how well we have settled in and how hard we are trying! 

Our certificates over the last 3 weeks have gone to - 


Star – Ronnie, Magda and Amara

Merit – Sophia, Clay, Amina, Tia, Eden and Emily

Friend – Elsie-May, Ivy and Isla

Polite – Harry, Penelope and Amelia

Dance – Magda, Clay and Cassie


Well done to you all - you’ve all had a wonderful start to the term