Welcome back to our weekly blog posts where you can see what we have been doing in Bronze Class each week. 

On Monday-Wednesday Mr Price teaches us. This week in Bronze Class we have been looking at who would want Tutankhamun dead in English. We looked at the 3 main suspects and their motives for wanting Tutankhamun dead. In maths we have been using partitioning to answer addition and subtraction calculations. PE has been all about how we can control our bodies in order to create different shapes and balances. We have learned how to say ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’ and ask someone how they are in French.


On Thursday and Friday Miss Ellison teaches us. 
In English we are writing our own autobiographies and using PowerPoint to publish them.

In Mathematics we have been looking at place value and the value of numbers up to 1000. 

In Science this half term we are learning about Light and Shadows and this week we were testing how reflective different materials were. 


Our certificate winners this week are...

Merits - Matilda W and Phoebe

Star of the week - Luis

Good Friend - Helen

Polite Award - Cruz