Red Nose Day

Written by Hana and Emily W

Today we are celebrating Red Nose Day! 

For our morning activity we designed a red nose and completed a challenge. We all wore red for Red Nose Day. 

Before we had golden time, we played Head Hunters. Layla, Matilda, Nelly and Cruz won! 

Today we have also…

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Guest Bloggers - Tilly and Phoebe

Hello everyone! 

Here is what Bronze class did this week. 

Monday - We are learning about poems in English. We made a whole class poem. 

Tuesday - On Tuesday we did Science and learnt about the life cycle of a plant. 

Wednesday - We had PE. We practiced passing. We did PSHCE and looked…

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Ahoy there ship mates!

This Wednesday we had a great time celebrating World Book Day in school! We all dressed as pirates and spent the day taking part in pirate themed activities. 

Here are some of our favourite moments from the day - 

1) "I loved dressing up as a pirate" - Emily O

2) "I enjoyed playing…

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You need to find the ewe next to the yew tree!

Welcome back! Can you believe we are already into Spring Term 2! 

Here are our top 5 moments of the week:

1) "We are learning about homophones in SPAG! Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meaning - for example due and dew or grate and great." - Cruz

The title of…

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Where would you like to live?

This week the children in Bronze class have been busy writing their non-chronological reports answering the question ‘Where would you like to live?’ 
We have been busy this half term learning about different countries and cultures around the world before choosing our own country to research. We…

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Ruby and Helen's top 5 moments of the week

Our Top 5 moments of the week - Blog post by Ruby and Helen

1) "We have been researching where we would like to live. I want to live in Kenya." - Helen

2) "We have been subtracting 2 digit numbers from 3-digit numbers in mental maths." - Ruby

3) "In PE we have been playing bench ball and…

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Feeling festive!

Bronze class Blog 13.12.24

It has been a busy week in Bronze class this week. We have been reading the time of analogue clocks in Mathematics and looking at prefixes and suffixes in English.

We have been creating a variety of Christmas decorations in class this week and we even had a game of…

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Rock around the clock!

Bronze class blog                                  Friday 29th November

It has been a busy week in Bronze class this week.

We have been learning how to read the time from an analogue clock in our maths lessons and we got to see how volcanos are formed and what causes them to erupt in…

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Children in Need 2024

Image of Children in Need 2024

We've had a lovely, busy week in Bronze class this week. 

Here are our top 5 moments this week...

1) Raising money for Children in Need by dressing up. 

2) Designing our own Christmas tree decoration that we're going to make in Design Technology

3) Reading George's Marvellous Medicine…

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Introducing your new Year 3 student councillors...

Introducing your Bronze class school councillors...


Hello, our names are JJ and Tilly and we are writing this week’s blog. We are the new Year 3 school council children. We were voted for by our class mates. When there are any school council meeting, we will go and share what our class say…

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Hiding in the shadows

This week in Mr Price’s English we have been recreating the moment Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun.

In Mathematics with Mr Price we have been turning a frequency chart into a bar chart and then interpreting the data in the bar chart.

In RE we looked at how Christians show…

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Welcome to Bronze Classes first blog of the year!

Welcome back to our weekly blog posts where you can see what we have been doing in Bronze Class each week. 

On Monday-Wednesday Mr Price teaches us. This week in Bronze Class we have been looking at who would want Tutankhamun dead in English. We looked at the 3 main suspects and their motives…

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