Welcome back! Can you believe we are already into Spring Term 2!
Here are our top 5 moments of the week:
1) "We are learning about homophones in SPAG! Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meaning - for example due and dew or grate and great." - Cruz
The title of our blog contains 3 homophones - can you spot them?
2) "In Maths we have been adding using column addition." - Raphael
3) "In Geography we have been learning about Kenya. Kenya is one of the few countries that has the Big 5 animals." - Matilda W
4) "In English we have been reading Esio Trot." - Hana
5) "We have been learning plants in Science. We are carrying out an investigation to find out if plants will grow without different things such as air, light or water." - Luis
This weeks certificate winners are:
Polite award - Tilly
Star of the week - Jason
Mertis - Layla and Matilda
Good Friend - Olivia
Don't forget next Wednesday is World Book Day in school and our theme is Pirates. Arrrrr!