Welcome to Diamond Class,

We have had an amazing start to this academic year and the children have settled very well into the Upper Juniors. Over the last two weeks we have made an amazing start on our work across all subjects.

In Mathematics, we have revised at the value of digits as we moved onto comparing and ordering decimal numbers alongside completing number lines.

In English, our unit this half term is Animals on the Move. Whilst researching which animal has the toughest migration, we are using our skimming and scanning skills, understanding key features of an information text, and to produce our own information texts. The children have over the last two weeks discussed what migration is, identified and summarised the main ideas creating a group poster, and have begun planning their own migration report.

In SPAG we have revised our fronted adverbials whilst also writing descriptive paragraphs based on specific images.

In Science we are looking at the Properties of Materials. We have already conducted several experiments in order to compare everyday materials according to their properties (e.g. magnetism, hardness, transparency etc.) as well as their effectiveness and absorbency.

Our Humanities subject this half term is History and we have started studying World War I, specifically why and when the war started.

In RE we have looked at the story of Adam and Eve, and in PSHCE we have discussed and chosen our targets.

This term we are doing dance with Ms Leah, and in line with our History topic of the War, we are learning dance moves from the 1920’s and choreographing a Charleston dance.

From next week our blogs will be written by the children.

Please remember that our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Spellings will be given on a Friday and tested the following Friday.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Yeulett