We have had another week of fun in Year 5 this week.

We didn’t manage to write a blog last week as we were having too much fun at Blackpool Zoo. Please see our picture.

This week, we have enjoyed watching our friends in the summer production of Beauty and the Beast. This was funny and the performers were great.

In English, we have been finishing off our story and making our props, ready to read to the younger children in school. We had lots of fun doing this. We have also created a huge poster reviewing the book we have been reading this year in English – The Explorer. We enjoyed this book and our reviews looked great.

In mathematics, we have continued with arithmetic and % work.

We also looked at our egg and salt experiments in science to see the results after 9 days. We will look at these again next week.


Certificate Winners

Merit – Logan

Merit – Noah

Good Friend – Joe

Parkinson Polite – Lillie

Star of the Week – Kamsi