It has been another great week of learning and fun this week in Diamond Class. We have been looking at lots of new learning and also continuing with some of our current learning too.

In English, we have been planning our new story that we will pitch to another class in school. We have also finished reading The Explorer, which as a class, we have enjoyed but decided it wasn’t the ending we were expecting.

In mathematics, we have been learning about fractions and how to multiply these. We have worked very on this topic and made excellent progress as a class.

In science, we looked at our eggs after leaving them for several days in different liquids and found that a chemical reaction had taken place and the shell in the vinegar had disappeared and the raw egg had formed a jelly consistency.


Certificate Winners

Merit – Ebony

Merit – Aadilya  

Good Friend – Connor

Parkinson Polite – Hannah

Star of the Week – Hope