Dazzling Diamonds

This week in Diamond Class, we have been looking at multiplication and division of 10, 100 and 1000. In English, we have written a poem ready to perform to our peers. We also enjoyed helping Year 2 type up their stories and then had the pleasure of listening to them read their finished story. In…

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Diamond Class Weekly Blog

Well we have had another great week in Diamond Class this week. We have been looking at multiplication in mathematics and looking at the grid method. In English, we have started a poetry unit, where we have performed stanzas of the poem to our peers using expression and adding actions. In history,…

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Diamond Round Up

What a great week in Diamond Class again this week. We have done lots of drama and performing this week. In English, we wrote a script for an advert and presented this to the class. In PE, we continued with our dance to Katy Perry – Roar, we then performed this in the hall to other classes. In…

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A week in Diamond

We have had another great week this week in Diamond Class. We have started our new topic on The Great Plague, where we have looked at how it spread, how it was controlled and how the symptoms progressed. We have been looking at place value in mathematics, where we have looked at decimal numbers to…

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Happy New Year!

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

We have had a great first week in Diamond Class. We have been starting lots of new topics and learning lots of new things. In English, we have started our new unit and we have been looking at ‘The Museum of Fun’ which we have enjoyed reading the online book for.…

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A week in Diamond

This week in Diamond Class, we have continued with our sewing and made our Christmas mini cushions. We have been looking at poetry in English and wrote our own versions of ‘If I Had Wings’ by Pie Corbett. Next week, we are looking forward to our Christmas party and Christmas jumper week. We have…

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A Weekly Round-up

We have been learning lots of new things in Diamond Class this week. We have been working on multiplication in maths, poems in English and sewing in DT. We have learnt the blanket stitch and had a really good go at this, ready to sew our cushions next week.

In geography, we have looked at…

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Dazzling Diamonds

This week in Diamond Class we have enjoyed lots of different activities.

In English, we have been writing Christmas poems which we performed to Mrs Cole. Even Mrs Yeulett did one!

In mathematics, we have continued to look at fractions. This wasn’t easy and first, however we persevered and…

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A Weekly Round Up!

We have had a great week in Diamond Class this week. We have been learning lots of things and had lots of fun.

In English, we have been writing Christmas poems, which we will turn into raps.

In mathematics, we have continued to look at multiplication and division.

In DT, we have…

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Children in Need

Image of Children in Need

This week, Diamond class have been working very hard and learning lots of new things. 

In English, we have been looking at poems and turning them into raps. 

In mathematics, we have been looking at multiplication and division and using the short division method.

In DT, we created a mood…

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A Week in 5

This week we have been working really hard ion Diamond Class. 

We have been looking at The BFG story and planning our own new chapter.

In maths we have been looking at multiplication and using our mental maths skills. 

For our geography lessons, we have looked at mountains and their key…

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Welcome Back!!

This week we have been excited to share our half term holiday with each other and have a catch u.

We have worked hard the last few days and made a start on some of our new topics for this half term.

In PE, we have been looking at The Blitz and creating a dance routine to…

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