What a great week in Diamond Class again this week. We have done lots of drama and performing this week. In English, we wrote a script for an advert and presented this to the class. In PE, we continued with our dance to Katy Perry – Roar, we then performed this in the hall to other classes. In mathematics, we have been looking at addition and subtraction, where we have continued with the column method as well as mental strategies. In history, we continued to learn about the Great Plague, looking at the symptoms and how the plague doctor helped victims.
Spellings have been given for the next week. Please continue to learn these at home, our spelling test results have been great recently. Also, Diamond Class need to ensure they are reading at home at least three times a week and learning their times tables as well as spellings.
Have a great weekend.
Certificate Winners
Merit – Jaxon
Merit – Joshua
Good Friend – Patrick
Parkinson Polite – Olivia
Star of the Week – Paige