Welcome back and Happy New Year!

We have had a great first week in Diamond Class. We have been starting lots of new topics and learning lots of new things. In English, we have started our new unit and we have been looking at ‘The Museum of Fun’ which we have enjoyed reading the online book for. In mathematics, we have been looking at analogue and digital time on the 12 and 24 hour clock. This is something the children can continue with at home if they wish. In PE, we have been learning some of the rules for hockey and how to play the game in small groups. Finally, in PSHCE we have continued with our journal and looked at ‘My Happy Minds’ along with some happy breathing.

Have a lovely weekend.


Certificate Winners

Merit – Frankie

Merit – Jack

Good Friend – Rhys

Parkinson Polite – Eliza

Star of the Week – Denis