Welcome back to our (very wintery) spring term! We hope everyone had a relaxing and festive Christmas break.
This week we have begun our new story in English: The Spiderwick Chronicles. Using this text, we have discussed character features, asked questions about the text, inferred character feelings as well as a completed a comprehension. We have also finished off and typed up our short stories.
In Maths we have revised rounding to 1000 and have learned about place value numbers to 4 decimal places. Whilst in SPAG we have had a full week with conjunctions, fronted adverbials, suffixes and pronouns.
This term we are doing History and our new topic will be crime and punishment. In Science, we are learning all about states of matter having discussed and understood the fundamental differences between solids, liquids and gases.
In Art we are examining the works of Roy Lichtenstein and the Pop Art Era. This week we studied and recreated some of his famous works.
In RE we are learning about Sikhism and the 5 Ks of the Sikh faith. In PSHCE we created our own personal goals whilst also working through our myHappyMind Journal – looking at character strengths and determining our own main strength.
It has been a wonderfully busy and productive first week back.
A quick reminder about our Silent Disco for students in Years 4 and 4 on Tuesday 11th February 3:45-4:45. Please return your form and £3 as soon as possible.
Also, please be aware that it is still bitterly cold and that children are expected to wear appropriate winter coats in this weather, along with hats, gloves, and scarves if needed.