In Maths this week, we have looked at 2D and 3D shapes. We have specifically focused on prisms and their properties making a triangular based pyramid from a net – our own Toblerone shaped box.

In English, we have been reading Christoph’s Story and practicing our inference skills. Alongside this we have started writing our substantive piece of creative writing.

In Science this week we have looked at the function and importance of teeth, and how we can look after them. The children had a lovely time creating a news report about the facts they had learned about it.

In Geography we have compared two settlements, Preston and Downham, to identify the similarities and differences between a large city and a small village.

In RE and PSHCE we have looked at King Solomon and the importance of wisdom, which linked nicely to understanding negotiation and compromise.

In PE we have completed our group gymnastics routines and we will be starting a new topic next week.

This week has been particularly festive as we have dived straight into Christmas songs in Music, as the choir prepares for their performance at the light switch on next Thursday.