Our Kitchen Staff

Kitchen Staff


School Meals



The children order their dinners on a 2 week cycle. At the moment all Infant children receive free school meals and Junior children are able to have them if they wish at a cost of £2.70 a day. These meals are prepared and cooked on the premises and the children are supervised by a team of welfare assistants.

Dinner money can be paid via ParentPay (https://www.parentpay.com/) or can be sent or taken to the school office. Please remember to secure and label any money sent to school. If you think you may be entitled to free school meals, either contact the District Education Office to receive the necessary forms or speak to the Office Manager in school.


All children can bring a suitable drink of their choice on Fridays, please avoid cans, fizzy pop and energy drinks


 Our menu -  

School Dinners

Packed Lunches

If your child prefers to eat sandwiches at lunchtime, s/he may bring a packed lunch. For safety reasons  glass bottles or flasks of hot liquids are not allowed in school. Please label lunch boxes. In line with the national Healthy School Policy please do not include fizzy drinks, sweets or bars of chocolate in your child’s packed lunch.

We ask that you give a week’s notice if you wish to change types of lunch.

School Milk

Milk is available to all infant children for afternoon snack at a cost of £30 per year . If your child does not drink milk, water will be given as an alternative.


The children in the Infants can order toast during the morning break at a cost of 20p per day. This is optional.

Children in the Juniors can bring in a healthy snack to eat every day during morning break.

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