Uniform helps children to feel part of the school and creates a pride in their appearance, their work and their school. The uniform is kept as simple as possible to enable parents to `shop around’. Sweatshirts, polo-shirts and coats with the school logo on are available from  our main supplier at 'Top one' in the St John's Centre in Preston City Centre. The team at Top one are on hand to answer any questions or help with selecting the right size uniform. The children have allocated PE days twice during the week. On these days they need to come to school in their full PE kit.

We encourage all our children to wear school uniform:

  • Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Light blue polo shirt and a navy school sweat shirt
  • Black shoes (high heels and platforms are seen as a hazard under the school’s health and safety policy and therefore not allowed).

For Summer:

  • Blue and white gingham dress
  • Grey shorts

PE Kit

  • Navy School PE Hoody
  • Dark / navy blue shorts / Navy Joggers
  • Coloured T-Shirt in their Team colour (Red, Blue, Green or Yellow)
  • Black Trainers to be worn on PE Days
  • A pair of black plimsolls ( To be left in school at all time)

Training shoes are not allowed for PE lessons in the hall as they stop the children gripping on the apparatus and can cause accidents. For reasons of safety and security jewellery is not to be worn for school. Simple stud earrings may be worn but must be removed for P E. or covered with a plaster supplied from home, if recently pierced. Please make sure that the younger children do not wear their earrings on PE days as staff are not allowed to remove them.

Junior children will have the opportunity to play football or other outdoor games during the autumn and spring terms and will need suitable footwear.

Lost Property

Each term we have dozens of items of lost property that we cannot identify.



School uniform and PE kits




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