Welcome back everyone! We hope you have all had a restful half term. Here's an update of the latest happenings in Rainbow class.
This week we have put our author hats on and have written our long awaited traditional tales with a twist. (I enjoyed writing my own Jack and the Beanstalk - Emma) The children have produced reams and reams of high quality work. Tegan was even awarded the merit certificate this week for her fantastic beginning to her story! (I am proud that I wrote 2 pages for my story - Layla)
We have also been learning about multiplication this week in maths. This is very tricky and the children have worked so hard and persevered and are now able to multiply using arrays. (I am really good at adding when we looked at repeated addition - Callie) (I am proud that I can do my 3x, 4x and 5x tables - Zoha) The children are now focussing on learning their 3x tables so any help at home would be great.
In PE we have been channelling our inner tennis guru's (hence the name of the blog!) and have been learning about control of the ball and how to hit the ball with our racket. Atlanta did a superb job (after a little persuasion!) of hitting the ball. (I can bounce the ball downwards - Sophie) (I like it when we played tennis - Nicole)
Now our History unit is over it's time for Geography this half term. We are starting our unit out by looking at our local area again and this time we have explored where we live on google maps and learnt how to write our address. (I found my house on google maps and Mr Bamber lives near me! - Max) (When we looked at Miss Ellison's house there was nothing there! - Jamaar)
In science this half term we are learning about animals and their habitats. We started by grouping animals into living, dead and never alive. (We had to write about them - Hayden).
Here’s the end to another very long blog! We get so carried away when we write our blog as a class because we want to share everything!
Miss Ellison