Well..... what a week in Sunshine Class!
Our focus this week has been the book, Aliens Love Underpants.
We have had lots of fun designing and making our own aliens. We made aliens using lots of different techniques.
" We used pencils to draw aliens." (Nevaeh)
"We used a hard sort of playdough to make aliens." (Charley)
Do you mean plasticine?
"Yes it was really fun!" (Charley)
We also made aliens in the craft corner, using bottles, pipe cleaners, cardboard, felt and lots of other materials. It got very messy!
We wrote our own alien stories on Friday and they were amazing. The childrens writing is fantastic they are using their high frequency words in their writing, capital letters, full stops and segmenting words to be able to write them.
In Maths this week we have been learning about Adding and Subtracting. We have been working really hard on our number stories, even when it got a little tricky. We used our fingers and cubes to be able to help us add two numbers together.
On Friday Mrs Bradley went to the shop to get some sweets and crisps for our maths lesson. When she came back she gave us all some crisps and we put them on a paper towel.
We started off with
5 crisps..... Mrs Bradley told us to eat 2 crisps...... we had 3 crisps left
So 5 - 2 = 3!
Amazing .... we used food to help us with our maths questions!
The focus this week in the afternoons has been Science. We have got up to lots of scientific fun.
We found out about living things.
Can anyone tell me what a living thing is?
"Something that needs water and food" Dylan
Can someone give me an example of a living thing?
"Pig" (Alara)
"Goat" (Kaidon)
"Flower" (Nevaeh)
"Dog" (Millie)
Who can tell me something that isn't a living thing?
"A Toy" (Eliza)
"Radio" (Alara)
"The whiteboard" (Indy- C)
"Robot" (Ben.)
We have looked at how shadows are made.
"When you go in sun light you get a shadow, when you go in the shade you don't get a shadow." (Nevaeh)
We all made boats out of recycled materials and tested them in the water tray to see if they....
"Sink or floated" (Alara)
" I used sticky tape, milk bottle, lolly sticks and lots of glue to make my boat" (Aiesha)
Did your boat sink or float?
" It floated" (Aiesha)
"Alll our boats floated.. we are the best" (Dylan)
So as you can see we have been really busy working hard in Sunshine Class....
Well done to Ellie who is our Star of the Week and well done to Aiesha and Oscar who were our Scientists of the week!
We hope you all have a lovley weekend.
See you on Monday for lots of fun learning about Planets.
The Sunshine Team :-)