In English this week we finished looking at The man on the moon. The children wrote what happened in the story. We then started looking at Dougals deep sea diary and talked about the similarities and differences between Atlantis and Preston. Ask your children about the 2 stories we have we read. 

'I liked Dougals deep sea diary because I like swimming and I liked looking at all the fish' (Reegan)

'I liked The man on the moon because I liked looking for the aliens. (Ada)

During our maths lesson we have been learning about halves and quarters and also started looking at money, recognising different coins. 

In science we have still be learning about materials. We did a science experiment to find out the best material for making umbrellas.

In art we have started designing our own playground equipment and the children are looking forward to making these soon.

P.E has been lots of fun practising for sports day. Please remember our sports day is on Wednesday 28th June. 


Our star of the week this week is Arham.

Our merit certificate winners are Kayden and Ada.