This week, sadly, is Mrs Ridings last week with us so we thought we would have a blog sharing our favourite moments with Mrs Ridings. 


"This week in English we have finished off our non-chronological reports about Katie Morag." - Atlanta

"There is lots of wildlife on the Isle of Struay. For example seals, sheep and dogs." - Finlay

"We also designed the front of our booklets. I drew a picture of Katie Morag." - Tegan

"We have been on a Hermelin hunt. We had to read clues and follow them to find Hermelin. He was hiding in Miss Ellison's tray!" - Atlanta


"This week in maths we have been learning how to tell the time." - Sophie

"We have been looking at analogue clocks. One side shows minutes past and the other shows minutes to." - Zoha

"We have been looking at missing number sentences." - Tegan


As this is Mrs Ridings last week we have been sharing some of our favourite moments together. 

"We made trucks with Mrs Ridings. My truck was a B&M truck because my Daddy drives one. I made it using a cardboard box, wheels and axles." - Callie

"My favourite moment was when we went outside to look for mini beasts and me and Layla were worm hunters." - Max

"My favourite moment was when we made cocktails in maths. I put lemonade, pineapple juice and apple juice. I made it fancy fancy!" - Jamaar

"I enjoyed art club where we made hot air balloons. I used lots of colours." - Zoha

"I enjoyed learning about Pointillism. I was very good at it!" - Evie

"I liked when we did the foil art at art club." - Emma

"I liked PE learning to play hockey. I scored lots of goals." - Hayden


We wish Mrs Ridings lots of luck in her future teaching career.


Merit awards went to Emma and Leon. Star of the week this week is Cian. Jamaar was the KS1 Sports person of the week. Well done everyone!