This week Rainbow class have been learning all about Florence Nightingale.
"She was a famous nurse and she helped soldiers who would have died." - Ada
"She cleaned the hospitals." - Lily-May
"She looked after the soldiers." - Arham
"She was called the Lady with the Lamp because she would check on soldiers at night time." - Philip
"She got beds in the hospitals for the soldiers." - Daniel
"In English we have been learning about how to make chocolate." - Nicole W.
On Monday we tasted different chocolates and wrote an exclamation about each one.
"What a delicious chocolate!" - Esther
"My favourite chocolate was the white chocolate because it was milky." - Mikquell
"My favourite chocolate was the milk chocolate because it was creamy." - Caroline
In maths we have been carrying on our work on subtraction. We have also been reading and plotting tally charts and pictograms. To help us read the scales on the pictograms we have been practising our 2x tables. We love playing the game 'Hit the button' and you can find a link to this game on our mathematics page to practise more at home.
Star of the week this week is Drew and our merit certificates were awarded to Lily-May and Reegan. Well done!
We have a new set of spelling to learn this week as well as a homework web and big write homework. Please make sure this is brought to school on Friday as the children will need the big write homework to help them write a letter to Florence Nightingale.