Welcome to summer term!!

What a fantastic week we have had in Rainbow class.

We have worked very hard this week in maths, revising what we have learnt so far in year 2. We have also been learning about using the inverse to find missing numbers as well as revising multiplication and partitioning numbers. 


We have started a new geography unit this half term all about living on an Island. 

This will be linked to learning about Katie Morag. 

"Katie Morag lives on the Isle of Struay." - Esther.

"The Isle of Struay is based on the Isle of Coll.' - Nicole W

Katie Morag and the Isle of Struay is a made-up story but it is based on the Isle of Coll, an Island off Scotland, which we have been learning about. 

We have also been designing our own islands in teams and considering all the things we would need to put on our island. 

We came up with the following things for our islands:

- School

- Houses

- Train station

- Airport

- Shops

- Park/playground

- Swimming pool

- Fire station

- Hospital

- Hotels

Have a look below at our islands we designed.

An Island Home





New homework books with new webs have been sent out today, as well as spellings.