A new half term has begun. The final half term as Year 3 children, in seven weeks we will be Year 4. We have a lot of work to get through first.
In English we are exploring our new topic, Shocking Styles, and learning more about fashion through history. We are learning about the features of non-fiction texts and will be writing newspaper reports.
In Matheamtics, Miss Duckworth has been teaching us all about angles. We have learnt about right angles, obtuse angles and acute angles.
In Science, Miss Duckworth conducted an experiment with us. We made metmorphic and sedimentary rocks out of chocolate flakes.
In Geography, we wrote about our existing knowledge about Europe and in Religious Education we wrote a Bible story.
In PE we did some outdoor adventure and in Art we created our own monster toys.
Star of the Week is Leon.
Merit Ceritifcates went to Jack and Jamaar.
See you next week.