With such a busy 2 weeks and being off last Friday this weeks blog is for last week and this week.
Last week we had a fantastic start to the week with our beacon fell trip, sunshine class loved exploring in the woods, playing hide and seek, finding the highest point, playing in dens, having a picnic and eating ice-cream. Please see the photographs on our website gallery. Thank you for your patience.
On Tuesday all the class did a great job joining in with sports day we are very proud that everybody joined in and tried their best. Kayden got the certificate for our sports day super star.
The rest of the week the children worked really hard with their phonics and number work.
Thankyou for your sweet donations on Thursday which helped with our summer fair.
Last weeks star of the week was Etienne.
The merit certificate winners were Josh and Scarlett.
This week we have made the most of the glorious sunshine and spent lots of time putting sunshine cream on so we can go outside.
On Monday we learnt how to play rounders with Miss Wilson and year 4. It was good to spend time with Miss Wilson because she is year 1 teacher next year.
On Tuesday we had our fabulous Poolfest. Thankyou for coming to support our school, we hope you have a great time.
On Wednesday sunshine class enjoyed a water play day, this was a great way of keeping cool and having fun on a very hot day.
By Thursday everyone seem quite tired other than football with Dan we tried to stay calm and cool indoors or in the shade under the tree while we did our work.
This weeks star of the week is Ines and our merit certificate winners are Gabriella and Oskar.
Dont forget next week on Monday it is our moving up afternoon. Sunshine class will be with their new teacher Miss Wilson in the Moonbeam classroom.
Tuesday evening is the key stage 2 production at 6pm. Tickets are just 50p and everybody is welcome.