This week we have been learning EVEN MORE about The Great Fire of London because not only is this our history topic but we have also been looking at diary entries from Samuel Pepys. 

"The fire started on Sunday 2nd September 1666." - Ellie

"A diary has to start with the date." - Jack

"The fire didn't stop for four days." - Indy

"For our big write we wrote about the fire." - Bobbi

"We wrote a diary." - Charley


"In art we have been designing junk monsters. Mine has wings and four arms." - Kyle

"My monster has a bottle top for his beak and a cardboard tube for his body." - Emily

"My monster is going to have feathers." - Filip


We have been practising our harvest songs ready to perform at the harvest assembly this afternoon. We can't wait to sing to you all! 


Star of the week is Dylan and our merit certificate winners were Ben, Aiesha and Filip. Well done everyone! Next week is road safety week in Key Stage One and we also have a treat on Friday for a super start to Year 2.