The end of week 2 already! This week we have completed lots of different challenges and activities and have worked hard in all subjects.


In English we have looked at new tales, making new questions from the point of view of the characters, performing the stories and retelling the stories. The children are working so hard on their writing and applying their phonics into every piece of writing work they do and I am so proud of them all. In Mathematics this week we have looked at numbers in words, months of the year and days of the week. We have sung songs, hopped across them like frogs and played games to help us retain the information.


We have worked hard in Science this week by looking at different types of weather and weather symbols used to represent them. In R.E we have started looking at Sikhism and how they enter the Gurdwara by showing respect to their place of worship. In PSHCE we have read ‘Elephant learns to share’, to help us understand the importance of sharing and how our actions make other people feel.


We have enjoyed lots of phonics this week and I am so pleased to see some of the children’s work they have done at home with their phonics sound cards. Keep it up!


Our star of the week is Lucy.

Our merit certificate winners are Mya for bringing so much joy and laughter to our class and to Kayden for his amazing writing, where he has shown huge amounts of improvement in his independent writing.

Football certificates this week went to Patryk and Elle.

Well done everyone!