Another fun filled and busy week, in Moonbeam class. This week we have enjoyed Science looking at weather again, predicting what it will be like and what a great week of weather we have had for this. In English we have been working hard on our fairy tale topic, exploring different stories, settings, characters and plots. In Maths the children have been looking at 3D shapes and working hard to describe them and sort them into categories.
This week we have had lots of birthdays. Patryk, Damian and Filza have turned 6 and have been flying around the room in the birthday capes. Thank you to Damian and Patryk for the delicious cakes they brought in and to Filza for the dominoes. What a special week of treats!
Our merit certificate winners for this week are Iyla-Rose and Gabriella for their fantastic work and effort throughout the week.
Our star of the week is Bree-Anna, who is always a star.
The football certificates were awarded to Joshua and Maddison.