Welcome back to our first week of our last term in year 2!

"Today the Book Bus came to school so we could buy some books." - Dylan

"We are wearing our pyjamas." - Aiesha

"We bought some books for our class like The Pug who wanted to be a unicorn." - Nevaeh

"For our class we some fairy unicorn books and some football books." - Ela

"Miss Ellison bought some Jeremy Strong books for us." - Oscar


"In DT we have been learning about the parts of a car with Miss Chippendale." - Maryam

"In PHSCE we have been learning about what we need money for." - Ellie

"In English we have been looking at a book called 'There's no place like home' which is about unusual homes." - Kyle

"Some people live and work in Antarctica." - Dylan


Star of the week this week is Bobbi-Jack and our merit certificate winners were Aiesha and Emily. Well done!