Massive congratulations to all the children in Sunshine class on completing their first full week at school. What a busy week it has been. The children are adjusting well to the school routines and expectations, they are beginning to form positive relationships with their friends and their keyworkers. We have spent time inside and outside. We have been to whole school assemblies and are getting used to lunch times in the hall.
Our topic this week has been dinosaurs. Each group found out about a different dinosaur and created a painting of their dinosaur for our classroom walls.
We have read some dinosaur stories and talked about the characters.
Well done to all the children for reading at home this week and for some excellent homework.
Can I remind you that the children ideally should be reading every night even if just for 5 minutes.
This weeks star of the week is Frankie
Our merit certificate winners are Evie-Mai for trying her best with everything and being a helpful friend and Katie-May for following all her instructions, trying her best and being a helpful friend.