We have had another wonderful week in Moonbeam Class!


This week we have started our more formal lessons, such as English, Maths and Science.


In English we have been reading ‘Class To went to the Zoo’ and the children have loved joining in with the retelling the story in groups and looked at how their class trip to the zoo was different or similar, to the trip in the story.


In Maths we have been looking for missing numbers in number lines and working on our number formation and counting. Some children have their work on the working wall already as they managed to complete a 100 square completely independently!


In Science we discussed our new topic of animals and we came up with so many amazing ideas of what we would like to find out about them.

“Why do frogs swim?” – Isaac

“Do fish eat other fish?” – Kara

“Why do giraffes have long necks?” – Esme

“How do dogs know how to do rollie pollies?” – Dwij

“Do baby penguins swim?” – Hope

“Why do hedgehogs have spikes?” – Noah

Their knowledge on animals really wowed us, as they all knew so much already:

“Penguins waddle.” – Grace

“Hedgehogs go into balls when they are scared.” – Ellie

“Cows make milk.” – Iyla

“Penguins slide on the ice and into the sea.” – Viaan

“Ostriches run fast and run away from cheetahs.” – Noah

“Eagles can fly.” – Aleks


This morning we had our first spelling test and the children amazed us with how hard they tried. It’s so lovely to see that they have been practising the spellings at home in their records. This definitely helps them to master the sometime tricky ways of spelling words!


We also had almost all of the children in class enjoy Golden time this afternoon as they had handed in their homework. All the completed homework was to a high standard and I loved looking through all of their work.


Please remember that the children should be trying to read every night at home, even if it’s just for a page or two. 


Star of the Week is Isaac.

Our Merit Certificate winners this week were Aleks for his fantastic number work this week and to Remi for her wonderful contributions and work in our English lessons.

Football certificates from Lloyd went to Hannah and Logan.
Well done everyone!


We Hope you all have a lovely and relaxing weekend, ready to do it all again on Monday.
Miss Wilson, Mrs Dorota and Miss Parkinson x


Moonbeam's week 2 in pictures