Sunshine class have had a fun packed week this week finding out about different dinosaurs.
In our key groups, we talked about dinosaurs, picked our favourite dinosaurs, painted them and made stories up about the adventures they would go on. The children had some lovely ideas. We turned one corner into dino land with our work it was so good. This week the children have really worked hard building relationships with their peers and keyworkers. We spent lots of time trying to learn all our names and playing with new people indoors and outdoors.
The children are starting to be very kind to one another and are quite chatty during choosing time. We are working on listening more carefully during carpet time, when learning new things is important.
We are delighted that some children have been reading their reading books at home. Thank you for writing in their reading records when they have read to you. They have read in school 3 times this week. Our phonics sounds this week have been t and p. We have started putting sounds together to make words. This is really tricky.
Thank you for your support with the Phonics stay and play session. We hope you found it useful.
We have also started learning our songs for our Harvest assembly and we had an exciting music lesson with Mrs Bennett using new instruments called claves.
On Wednesday everybody managed to get changed into their PE kits. Please encourage your child to practice getting themselves changed to help them be more confident with this in school.
Thursdays football session with lloyd was super, everyone tried hard but certificate winners were ............
This weeks maths focus has been counting on and back to 10 and recognising numbers to 10. We have looked at how to write some of our numbers too.
Our star of the week is Zaynab.
Our certificate winners are Olivia and Denis