In our lessons this week:

- We have explored amphibians, reptiles, mammals, fish and birds.

- We have drawn self-portraits, which were amazing!

- In Mathematics, we have identified one more than a given number, practicing counting backwards from 20 and representing numbers using objects and pictures.

- We have been leaning about adjectives, written descriptions about animals using adjectives and created a fictional character for our new story.

- On Wednesday the children worked with Miss Chippendale to identify new and old toys.


As part of our History topic this term, we are looking at historical toys. If you or any of your family members have any old toys that you wouldn't mind us looking at in class, we would be very grateful if you could send them in before or on Wednesday 25th. Thank you. 


Our homework this week was fantastic! We can’t thank you enough for how much effort goes into their work at home. They are so proud to show their friends what they have created and we love to have a parade in class of our homework.


Spellings went really well again this week; it’s good to see so many children practicing their spellings at home and their results reflecting this. Can we remind you that we aren’t expecting the children to achieve full marks every single week and there isn’t any pressure on them to do so. Spelling tests are for us to see how they remember and spell certain words. All we ask is that they practice their weekly spellings and try their best.


This week was very exciting as we had our School Council nominations in class. The children secretly voted for the children who put their names forward and our class representatives are Archie and Lillie. Congratulations!


Kara is this weeks Star of the Week.

Our Merit Certificate winners this week are Lucas, for listening and following instructions carefully all week and to Rossi, for his fantastic work in Mathematics.

Football winners from Lloyd were Esme and Archie.

Well done everyone.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

The Moonbeam Team J