This week we took part in our long awaited Evacuee Day. Can I just say, on behalf of myself and Mrs Gibson, a big thank you first and foremost to all the parents who helped their children dress up in such spectacular costumes for the day. The children looked absolutely FANTASTIC!! It was certainly a day to remember for the staff, children and for those at the Christian Centre. Below is a summary of the activities we took part in during the day:


  • Firstly, we decided on the items that we would take with us if we were evacuated. We drew each of these items and labelled them in a suitcase template that we were given.
  • We practised hiding in the event of hearing an air raid siren!
  • We filled out an identity card. This was an important item that evacuees needed to have on them at all times!
  • We went across to the Christian Centre and had a lovely meal – soup and a sandwich – much like the evacuees would have done when they first arrived in the countryside.
  • We then sang to the people at the Christian Centre before breaking off into groups and talking to those present about their experiences of WW2, either in terms of evacuation or any other roles that they had in the war.
  • We returned to school and created a postcard home with a short message on it and a beautiful countryside image on the other side.

A massive thank you once again to all involved, and particularly to Rev. Hazlett Bloomfield and those that attend the Christian Centre each Tuesday for such a lovely afternoon. Thank you so much for accommodating us, talking with us and feeding us! The children loved it!!