This week we have found out all about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate bonfire night. We found out that he was a very naughty man who tried to blow up the king!

Each group wrote their own firework poem by describing the fireworks in the sky and the noises they make. We used some really smart words. We also created our own Bonfire toast, bonfire collage pictures and art work using different tools and techniques. We made our firework safety poster and showed this round all the classes to remind them how to be safe. We hope you enjoyed our firework night at school if you came.

Thank you to Zaynab's mum for making such yummy burgers.

We have also been reading and doing our phonics this week. We are trying harder to segment and blend words together.

Thank you so much for the sponsor money, all children who brought their sponsor form back have been given their medals. We will be purchasing things the children choose over the next half term.

This week in football Amelia D stood out and received a certificate for being fabulous.

Our star of the week is Amelia D

Merit winners were Korben for excellent phonics work and Jake for fantastic effort with his reading in school and at home.  

Our friendship award was given to Zaynab (as voted for by the children)

Next week is our safer travel week where we will be looking at road safety in little groups. Please make sure you have sent the consent form back otherwise we cannot complete the sessions with your child.