WOW! We can’t quite believe it’s the end of the first term in year 1. The children have all been phenomenal throughout the past few months and we are incredibly proud of all that they have achieved so far.


During our last week before Christmas we have…

Made Christmas bags for our presents

Wrapped our presents with our homemade wrapping paper

Designed Christmas jumpers and hate

Written letters to Elvis the elf

Drawn pictures for Elvis the elf

Enjoyed our fantastic Christmas party with our friends

Been to watch Sleeping Beauty on Ice

Played lots of games as a class.


We are definitely ready for our Christmas break. I think we have worn the children out this last week with lots of activities.


This week our Star of the Week is Aleks.

The Good friend certificate was chosen by the children and they voted for Archie.

Merit Certificates this week were awarded to Dwij as we are very proud of the progress he has made this term and to Grace for the outstanding homework she produces with such care and attention.

Well done to everyone!


We all hope you have a wonderful and magical Christmas. Keep safe and we will see you on Monday 6th January, fresh and ready for a new term.


Lots of love,

Miss Wilson, Mrs Dorota and Miss Parkinson.