Happy New Year

What a lovely start to the new year we have had in Sunshine class. We have enjoyed talking about our time off school and what lovely things we did with our families. We have all made new years resolutions and thought of things we would love to get better at over the course of the next 12 months.

Winter has been the topic throughout this week. All groups have been on a Winter walk, looking for signs of Winter in the environment, and what a great job they did! We read a story about Jack Frost and talked about how cold it gets during this season.

Sunshine class have had an active week with dance on Tuesday, football on Wednesday and Thursday and Yoga today. They have all been outdoors throughout the week during continuous provision.

Our new term has brought a little more formality into the classroom with English and Maths. Phonics has been important this week, with everyone trying hard to remember the sounds we learnt last term and blending them together to make words. In maths we have really focussed on counting to 20, recognising and forming numbers. Some children are excellent at this.

Our certificate winners are Jake and Paige for excellent listening and tidying up skills.

Our star of the week is Dexter

Our kind friend award goes to Dylan