“I’ll Huff and I’ll Puff..”

This week has been all about those 3 little pigs and a very naughty wolf.

We have enjoyed reading and acting out this story this week in small groups. We were really brave and performed to the rest of the class. Everybody has completed some writing, remembering what the characters said in the story. We have also ordered the story and made our own sentences to go with each picture.

We have also enjoyed building our own houses made from different materials.

In Maths we have continued with our number work; counting, matching numbers to the amounts, forming numbers and finding numbers. Number formation has been much better this week too.

Sunshine class has had their weekly music and football lessons too.

Our football star of the week is Katie-May

Our star of the week is Kiswa

Our friend of the week is Joseph

Our merits were awarded to Payton for a big improvement with Phonics and reading, always trying her best, and Denis for fantastic number formation and improved concentration at carpet times.