1. We have had a busy week in Diamond Class and in Mathematics we were particularly busy. We began the week by researching the places where we may find negative numbers in real life situations before answering questions based on real data. We then studied timetables and answered key questions about them before creating our own timetables.
  2. We began reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and we briefly met Harry, Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid. We learnt a lot about Harry’s Muggle (non magic) family, who absolute hate anything at all to do with magic.
  3. This week was our final week at Ashton creating our bags. Mrs Cole and Mrs Gibson have kindly agreed to complete this topic with the class next week. A big thank you to Ashton CSC for hosting us for the previous five weeks and engaging the children with this topic.
  4. In Art, with Mrs Gibson, we created our own piece of Georgian Architecture out of recycled materials. We had to include as many of the key features that we had discussed throughout the topic as we could. Mr Blackburn came and judged our work at the end of the lesson!
  5. We studied Plague Doctors in History this week and found out what they did when trying to help people and researched why they dressed the way they did. We also had another opportunity to dress up as a Plague Doctor too!