Happy Friday everyone! 

This week our top 5 Bronze class moments are:

1) "In French we have been learning our body parts and singing Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French." - Aaron

If you want to watch our video of us singing this song, here is the link below!

2) "In Mathematics we have been learning to use short division (bus stop)." - Iyla-Rose

3) "We have been making our Roman shields in History." - Lucy

4) "In PE we have been practising our cricket skills." - Etienne

5) "In RE with Miss Hargreaves we have been learning about Buddhism. This week we learnt about Wesak which is the celebration of the birthday of Buddha." - Anu


Star of the week this week is Amelia, Our merit certificate winners are Bree-Anna and Noah. Joshua was awarded our good friend award.