Dem Bones Dem Bones…

What a funny week it has been in Sunshine class finding out all about our bones and why we have them.

We have loved reading and watching the Funny Bone stories, finding the repeating vocabulary in the book and talking about our favourite parts of the stories. We have enjoyed all using scissors carefully to cut out our own skeletons.

It has been lovely to go out into the environment and experience Autumn this week. We have found conkers and different shape and sized leaves which we have made into leaf men and ladies and written short stories about using our high frequency words (and/the) In Phonics we have learnt the sounds c,k and ck.

We have also enjoyed a number hunt with our groups, finding numbers, forming them and showing the values of digits. This week we have focussed on 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Other activities we have enjoyed have been singing with years 1 and 2, learning all our Autumn songs and singing together. You can see the videos of us singing these songs on our website. We have had another football session, and we have had a wellbeing assembly finding out all about medicines.

This week’s star of the week is Phoebe

Our merit awards go to Leighton and Leo for keeping trying and not giving up when things are a bit tricky.

Our kind friend award is for Jaelan

Our football superstar was Nelly.