This week we have been working our socks off! I am so proud of everyone in Moonbeam Class and we have had an amazing week.

In Mathematics we have learnt how to tell and show the time for the hour (o’clock) ad half past the hour using analogue clocks. We have used real clocks in our environment to practise telling the time and we know at 9 o’clock we start School, half past 10 is when tuck arrives in class and at 12 o’clock we get ready for lunch.

In English we have planned, written and self-assessed an alternative ending to Little Red Riding Hood, which were outstanding! We couldn’t be prouder of how hard the children have worked on this piece of writing and they have shown a great use of imagination.

We have continued our History topic of the Great Fire of London and this week we have analysed sources. In Science we looked at the seasonal changes in autumn and winter and in Art with Mrs Dorota, the children printed with paint using different types of materials.

Our Phonics sounds have been alternative ‘igh’ sounds – y and i, which are linked to this week’s spelling.


Certificate Winners

Star of the Week – Cora

Good Friend Award – Teddy

Merit Certificates – Sam and Ava-Mae