This week we have been working hard to learn more about the weather and where in the UK would have which weather. We have been really clever finding out that low temperatures mean it is cold and high temperatures mean it is hot. We even enjoyed dressing up to read out our weather reports and some people enjoyed recording them. A few will be posted on the website video gallery over the next few days.

We used our senses on a weather walk to write a poem in our groups. We decided that because it is a cold time of year and lots of animals are hibernating it is quite a quiet time so we don’t hear very much outside or smell very much during winter but we do feel and see lots of winter things all around us.

We have continued with our phonics this week learning more new sounds and working hard to read more words and write more words independently. Some of the sentences written this week have been absolutely brilliant. I am so impressed. Keep up the reading at home – it really does make a difference.

In maths we have been learning our number bonds to 10. In our groups we made brilliant posters and have been able to find partners in class to make 10 in pairs.

We have had our weekly football session and Yoga too. This weeks yoga was linked to frozen.

This week’s homework is to read this weeks blog and post a comment saying what you have enjoyed doing the most in school this week. I would also like you to look through the sunshine class web page and have a look at the sunshine learning wall and find your favourite thing on there.

I would really like to thank everyone who made it to the parents appointments this week. It genuinely was so lovely to meet so many of you and finally discuss how amazing all your little superstars are. I hope you are all as proud of them as I am.

This weeks star of the week is Mia

Our merit awards went to Lewis and Hana

Our kind friend award is for Jaelen