Painting Stories

This week has been a week of consolidation and gap filling. We have been making sure all our phonics sounds are secure and any we weren’t sure of we have recapped and revisited. We have also, made sure we are forming

Miss Grice has been reading lots of different Bible stories to us this week and we have chosen our favourite one and painted a picture to represent the events in the story. The work the children has produced has been amazing. They have selected colours for purpose and mixed colours well.

We have been practising for World Music Day and have decided to learn how to sign our song too. The children have enjoyed learning some basic sign language.

This week we have had PE outside where we learned how to throw with accuracy using hoops, beanbags, balls and buckets. On Thursday instead of football we had Yoga. The weather outside was far too miserable to play football in.

Thank you to all the parents who came for the stay and play session on Thursday. The children were all so excited that you were coming in so we hope you enjoyed it as much as they did. Please have a look at our gallery to see the photographs that we took during the session.

Thank you also to the parents who sent sweets in today for our Summer Fair.

We hope you all have a lovely half term and will see you all back on Monday 6th June.

Well done to our star of the week – Nelly

Our merit winners – Matilda W and Hana for amazing Art work

Our football/Yoga certificates went to Helen and Matilda W

Our kind friend award went to Lewis.

We welcome Helen and Emily to Sunshine class.