We have been busy bees this week!

This week we have finished our English fictional topic of fantastic voyages. We have compared the two main characters from each of our texts and looked at similarities and differences between them. On Friday we acted out ‘Dougal’s Deep-Sea Diary’ and the children all gave brilliant performances.

In Art we have created our own textured tiles and then evaluated our work. The children all worked really hard on this and I’m sure it’s now a lovely decorations in each of your homes.

In Mathematics we have been looking at capacity and volume. We have recorded and measured a variety of volumes in millilitres, compared and described different capacities and volumes and worked in groups to make the correct amount of liquid from recipes.

In Science we experimented with different materials to test whether they are absorbent or not, we have looked at how people can be described in R.E and in P.E we enjoyed performing gymnastic sequences on apparatus.

On Tuesday morning we had a visit from Steven and Harold the giraffe from Life Education and we learnt all about our bodies and how to be healthy. (Pictures are available to view on our website.)

We have focused a lot on our Phonics this week as we have Phonics Screening after half term. The children are more than ready and prepared and we can’t wait to get started! Today we have sent a booklet full of activities for each of the children to complete over half term to make sure they practise their amazing segmenting and blending skills whilst they are off for a week. Anyone who completes these activities will have a homework pass for next half term.

Thank you for all of your support over the past half term and thank you to those of you who sent in sweets today for our Summer Fair.

We hope you have a lovely half term break and we will see you all on Monday 6th June at 9am, when we return.


Certificate Winners

Star of the Week – Junior

Good Friend Award – Jessica

Merit Certificates – Marcel and Beau

Football/Yoga certificate – Lilly-Ann