Welcome Back!

Wow! What a fantastic first week back in Diamond Class. The children have settled in really well and have quickly adapted to life in Year 5. This week, we have been getting to know each other with some activities and games. The children have written some targets and we have discussed up-coming topics. Our class timetable will be put on the website soon along with topics we will cover and when. I also regularly add photos of the learning and fun we have been having.


What I have enjoyed:

“I have enjoyed writing.” Esme

“I have enjoyed playing getting to know you games on the stage.” Archie

“This week, I have loved arithmetic.” Hope

“I really enjoyed the lessons, but my favourite part was meeting my new teachers.” Venice


A little information for parents:

Spellings will be given every Monday. The children will copy their spellings into their book, which they will bring home and learn for the test on a Friday. Children must bring this book daily in their book bags as this will be used for morning activities.

I have given the children some spellings from Year 4 as a recap for the first week back. These should be words they have already learned and will be tested on Monday 11th before the new list is sent home.

Reading books and records have been given to the children and these will be sent home daily. We have allowed the children to choose their own books and have a little independence with their choices. We have also told Diamond Class that they are able to read their own books from home if they have something they enjoy. We just ask that an adult signs their reading record when they have listened to them read. If this could be a minimum of 3 times a week please. These also need to be brought in daily so we can change books when necessary.

PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday but kits need to be in all half term in case we have extra sessions.


Certificate Winners

Merit – Justyna

Merit – Archie

Parkinson Polite – Lillie

Good Friend – Venice

Star of the Week – Viaan