United Rainbow Class

We have had a very busy week again in Rainbow class and done some very clever work which I am very proud of.

We started the week off thinking about all the different kinds of sentences we could have; statements, exclamations, questions and commands. Each day we have looked at these in more…

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Week 5 in Gold Class

Week commencing 02 October 2023


In Mathematics we gained an understanding of BODMAS, while in arithmetic we looked at fractions, applying our multiplication and division skills to various problems.

In English we continued our topic of the eruption at Pompeii. Having finished our diary…

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Fun without the Sun

Top five moments of the week -

1. We have finished our investigation into "Was Tutankhamun Killed?" and start the report next week. 

2. We have been learning about UV light and the dangers of the sun. 

3. In Mathematics, we have explored column addition. 

4. In History, we learnt about…

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Five Mind

We have had another wonderful week in Diamond Class this week. We have been enjoyed our dance lessons with Miss Leah, where we have been learning new moves to our routine. We have been reading The BFG and The Escape Room in English which we have enjoyed. In mathematics, we have been looking at…

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Another week in Sunshine Class

Wow another busy week in Sunshine Class! 

The children have been working super hard all week with their learning and have been amazing.

We learnt how to brush our teeth so they are healthy when we visit the dentist. The dentist helps us to keep our teeth nice and healthy. We all got a new…

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Magnificent Moonbeam

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Fantastic week in Five

Another great week in Diamond Class this week. We have been having lots of fun and learning lots of new things.

-We have been looking at the Moon in science and the different phases.

-In mathematics, we have been looking at numbers and place value of whole and decimals.

-We have enjoyed…

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Who helps us?

This week in Sunshine Class we have started our new topic People who help us?

We have had lots of discussions about people who help us in school, at home and in our community and over the next couple of weeks we are going to be learning about them in more detail.


On our welly Wednesday…

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Week 4 in Gold Class

Week commencing 27 September 2023


In Mathematics we practiced mentally multiplying in powers of 10, as well as short division. While in Arithmetic we continued looking at short division as well as multiplication, specifically looking at word based problems using this written method.


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Top ten Rainbow moments

1 “ I enjoyed throwing and catching in Basketball” (Matilda)

2. “The best thing was being helpful giving out the milk and putting it away” (Raphael)

3. “My favourite thing was PE” (Jaelen)

4. “I enjoyed writing a letter to Mrs Cole” (Hana)

5. “ My favourite was dance with Miss Leah”…

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The Mystery of Tutankhamun

Top five moments of the week - 

1. We learnt three suspects that might have killed Tutankhamun.

2. A big moment this week was when we played guess the 3D shape. 

3. We loved using the oil pastels in Art. 

4. Virtue really enjoyed writing our own stories about the Magic Door. 

5. We…

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Moonbeam certificate winners

The class have been working very hard on their handwriting and number bonds this week. They have continued to settle in and enjoying the experience of being in Year 1.

Congratulations to those who have been awarded certificates this week.

Star of the Week      Ann

Politeness Award   …

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