Busy Bees
Busy Bees
The last two weeks have been super busy with us practising for our SATs Tests and then sitting them this week. Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Hudson and Mrs Bradley are so happy with us…
The Iron Man Experience
A new blog for a new half term.
This week has been a very different week.
Year 5 and Year 6 went to Anderton Centre for an adventure week.
In our class, we have been learning lots.
1) At Gardening Club, Mrs Miller has planted sunflower seeds.
2) We junk modelled our own Iron…
Sunshine Class!
This week in Sunshine Class……
We have been focusing on the story, “The Tiger who came to Tea”. In English the children have been discussing and writing, all about Tigers. The children also labelled their very own can of Tiger food.
In Mathematics the children have been learning how to…
Our Weekly Round Up
We have had lots of fun in Year 5 this week. We have been enjoying some outdoor learning for SPAG and maths.
We have also created fact files on Greek Gods. In geography, we researched different European cities and created posters with our friends.
We have been learning a new dance with…
Sunshine Class
This week in Sunshine Class…..
We have been focusing on volume and capacity in Mathematics.
We have been learning and writing about the seaside.
In Continous Provision we have enjoyed lots of under the sea activites, including learning about Pirates.
We read lots of pirate books…
A Day in Diamond
We have had another great week in Diamond Class this week.
We have been continuing with our learning about Greek myths and reading lots of stories.
In mathematics, we have been looking at word problems.
In PE, we carried on learning our dance with Miss Leah and improving our throwing and…
Mr Turpin and Friends
Four top moments of Year 4 -
1) Mr Bamber read our minds.
2) We have been learning about short division in Mathematics.
3) In History, we have learnt about Dick Turpin.
4) We practised and planned our news report.
Star - Korben
Merits - Emmanuella and Joe
Politeness -…
The sun has got his hat on!
Week 4
We’ve had a wonderful week enjoying the sunshine this week.
Here are just some of the things we have been learning about:
- In Mathematics we have been practising our directional skills including moving forwards, backwards, left and right. We have also been learning about…
The Sun is Out!
This week in Sunshine Class…….
We have been reading the Rainbow Fish story. We then focused on what is ‘Under the Sea’. We created our own Rainbow Fish, Our own Jelly Fish and we wrote about creatures under the sea, by describing them.
In Maths we have focusing on double numbers and odd…
Have you been watching?
Top 4 moments in 4 -
1. We learnt all about the multiplication grid method.
2. We have learnt about John Logie Baird.
3. We completed our Science experiment on teeth hygiene.
4. We danced to the Greatest Showman soundtrack with Miss Leah.
Star of the week - Jake
Merits - …
Its warming up outside
In English we have been looking into how to look after pets. We started the week having a class debate about having a rat or a lion as a pet. 2 groups were for having the pet and 2 groups were against having the pets. We had some really good points. We have also written instructions all about what…
Diamond Class Blog
We have had another great week of learning this week in Diamond Class.
In RE, we have been looking at the Holy Trinity and why this is important to Christians.
In English, we have been producing an information text for a junior explorer.
In mathematics, we have been looking at…