On Monday we went swimming and that covered English and maths and when we got back we had lunch. After lunch we had Mrs Johnson and we made our musical instruments.

On Tuesday in English we deigned a fair ground ride. Then it was break. After break it was maths and we did fractions. Then it was lunch, after lunch we did a two mile walk and music with Mrs Bennet.

On Wednesday we did maths first and after break we did fitness and worked our lungs and heart really hard. This showed us how our heart rates and breathing are connected to exercise. It was lunch time and after lunch we made castanets with Mrs Johnson and finished our musical instruments.

On Thursday in English we made notes of the museum of fun. We went on a web site called :- www.activelearnprimary.co.uk. On the website we looked at an e-book. Mr Mearns also showed us other things we can do which he has set us, such as maths and grammar. We can do these anytime at home. In maths we did a written method to do fractions. In the afternoon we worked on our web pages connected to e-safety. Then we did a mile walk. During the day some people made bath bombs with Lush who had come into school.

On Friday we went into the hall and listened to a talk from the NSPCC. After the talk years 3 and 4 went back to class and years 5 and 6 stayed in the hall and did a workshop with Chris form the NSPCC. After break we finished our SPaG from earlier and some maths and it was lunch. After lunch we had some golden time and then we had an assembly all about green week.

Our special green week certificate winners are :- Sonny and Ella.

Star of the week is Gabriel.

Our blog was written by Keelie and Jack.