After a lovely week with Mr Herd last week we are now back to business this week with Miss Ellison back with us. What a wonderful start to Bronze class we have had. 

The children have received many compliments from other adults in school about their super behaviour in and around school - keep it up everyone!


"We have been learning about Ancient Egypt in History." - Nicole C

"They put people in a sarcophagus after they have died. This is like a coffin." - Alan

"We have started to make Tutankhamun's sarcophagus." - Daniel

"We are learning about pyramids. The tombs of Pharaoh's are inside." - Arham

"One of our homework's was to write a message in hieroglyphics." - Ada


"We have been looking at Little Red Riding Hood's blog in English. She told us where she lives and how old she is." - Skye 

"We wrote questions about Little Red Riding hood and used her blog to answer them." - Darcy


"In PE we did basketball skills and dribbling. I managed to get the ball in the hoop." - Reegan

"We invented a game called Bounce and Drop." - Alice


"We are learning about light in Science. A source of light can be a torch." - Kayden

"A light bulb is a source of light." - Esther

"Light travels in straight lines." - Mikquell


Star of the week this week is Skye and our merit certificate winner is Mikquell. 

Spellings for this week have been set and are on the website. These are due in on Friday. 


Have a lovely weekend!