What an exciting week we have had in Sunshine class. 

On Monday we followed a recipe to make our own gingerbread men and popped them in the oven. During the afternoon everybody read and we did some super phonics.

On Tuesday we went to take them out of the oven to find they had gone missing. We had to guess who had taken them, think of questions to ask the suspects and then follow the traces to lead us to our baking. All was well in the end; Mr Parkinson had taken them out of the oven for us because he thought they were burning. He hid them round school for us to find so that it was more fun. During the afternoon we made rafts to float our gingerbread men across the river safely.

On Wednesday we had a lovely music lesson with Mrs Bennett. We sang lots of songs and played some ring games. After this we learned all about coins so that we can go and play in our new shop. During phonics we learnt the two different oo sounds. 

On Thursday we all looked absolutely fabulous in our Minion costumes. We had so much fun doing different activities and Gru and Dru visited us. we also had our weekly football session.

Today we have acted out the story of the gingerbread man in small groups and have ordered the story using pictures. We are proud to announce the Sunshine shop is now open.

Congratulations to Kiswa our star of the week.

Our merit awards went to Paige for a huge improvement with her Phonics and Adeeb for being a wonderful new member of Sunshine class

Our Friendship award is for Riley

Gingerbread Man