You scream, I scream.....

We all scream for ICE-CREAM!

What a wonderful week in Gold class. The children have worked hard to ensure that their enterprise task was financial planned, advertised and created on time. We have had Orero flavour, Sproclate Spread, and Millions flavour. I am happy to report that each one has…

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Feeling Hot Hot.... Wet

Well the weather has certainly been a factor this week! With golorious sunshine for the majority of the week we have spent time working outside on the stage, which offers some beautiful shade and a much needed breeze!

Monday saw a team, made up of 6 Year Sixes and 2 Year Fives, taking part in…

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A Productive Week in Gold Class

We have been very busy this week practising for the upcoming Kwik Cricket tournament. We have some fantastic bowlers and some brilliant batters in Gold Class.

In class we have been learning how to improve our chances of getting our dream job; we have completed the first module of 'The Job…

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The Final Countdown

And so here we are, the final half term of the year, and for the residents of Gold class, the final term of their entire primary school career. 

Yet there is so much still to do: Our trip to Beacon Fell will be re-arranged, there is a Kwik Cricket tournament (no, my spelling isn't that bad, it…

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Busy Bees Bring Bikeability Brilliance

Another busy week here in Gold class. We began with Bikeability- a series of skills base learning to enable our children to be safe on their bikes. Over two days the children learnt about basic bike maintainance, u-turns, crossing roads, the dangers of turning left and right across roads and a…

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A Bit of Normality Returns to Gold Class

Cricketing Excellence

As the summer term continues, so do preparations for the upcoming cricket tournaments. Gold class will be providing the majority of the team for the Kwik Cricket Tournament at Fulwood and Broughton CC later this term. Our practise is going well with some natural bowling…

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SAT's It for Another Year

So that was what all the fuss was about! A week of hard work and maximum effort has come and gone. We think we have done our best and are happy with how it went. Fingers crossed for the results in a couple of months time!

Here are some thoughts the children had about this week;

"SATs aren't…

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The Week Before...

This week we have been preparing for our SATs, we have done a SPAG test and we have been working on our weakest area in Mathematics, in order to build our confidence! We have been creating our own project booklets based on a topic of our choosing. We have watched some nature programmes and have…

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Gold Class Blog

The majority of our week has been spent revising for our SATS exams that start on the 8th May. We have sat mock English, Maths and SPAG exams this week, with the aim of improving our exam taking skills. These exams have been really helpful because they have given us a really good idea of what to…

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Back to Business

Our first week back started on a Tuesday this time, Easter egg rolling being the main event on Monday. 

As we settled back into the routines for the summer term, we spent some time focusing on what our aims were going to be over the next 4 weeks. We all know we have our SAT tests to do but we…

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Another mega busy week in Gold Class!!

  We started the week with a SPLASH in Gold Class! We went swimming, which is always a great start to our week! This was our last trip to the leisure centre but it was also the best by far!! The swimming instructors allowed us to get the floats out and have a fun swim. It was BRILLIANT!!!


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Gold Class Revision week.

It has been another really successful week in Gold Class! We have spent the majority of our mornings revising for our end of year 'QUIZ'. Everyone has worked really hard and the results of our revision tests have been very pleasing indeed.

We had a great time swimming on Monday morning and…

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